Our Buster passed away Tuesday afternoon. It was a complete shock to us all. We knew he was getting old, he was 10 (11 in December) but other than showing signs of getting older (moving around slower and getting grey hair..we would call him grey beard or our old man) we don't know if he was ill. My husband came home from work and let him to go the bathroom and he was fine he said, then he went back off the porch to finish up and passed away in the yard.

Thank you Buster for blessing us for the past 10 years with your neverending love!! You showed us what unconditional love is all about!! Now go play with Lenox and you both watch over your kids--they miss you so much...we love you Buster!
I think he was waiting for your husband to come home to show him that everything was going to be OK.
You will miss him terribly but your life has been better for having Buster in it.
I am so sorry, pets bring so much to our lives and it is so hard losing a beloved pet but we are grateful for the time they were with us and the joy they have brought into our lives. Rest in Peace Buster.
I have lost so many pets over the years, and each time you think it will be easier, cause you've dealt with the same loss before, but it never is. My mom adopted a pure bred lhaso apso when I was in the 6th grade, he is 11 now, he will be 12 in April. I am dreading the call that might be from mom about Gizmo. My heart is with you and your family, I hope that your loss will not hurt for too long. Something that has helped our family grieve in the past is to plant a tree or small hearty shrub in their honor. My sisters have taken flowers or floating candles to the beach or the lake and let them go in honor of their dogs, or cats passing. I hope these ideas help to lessen the pain.
Sorry to hear about Buster...but I'm so glad he brought so much joy to you and your family.
we lost our english bulldog 5 months ago. It was the hardest thing that we have been through. Our boys had a very hard time. Max our 3 year old talks about her 3-4 times a week. He want to go to heaven to get her. God bless you. It gets easier.
Sorry for your loss!!!
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